
Maranello House

Thank you all for your support

Ciao and welcome to my site. Since I was a small boy I have loved cars. From I was about 4 years old according to my late Father one make in particular took my fancy, Ferrari. It took me almost 20 years saving to finally afford one, A black Mondial 8. Since then I have been very very lucky to have been able to own 2, (not at the same time) my last one was a a 308 GTS. My passion for Ferrari lead me to all things Italian car and bike, Fiat, Lancia, Alfa, Maserati, Ducati and Vespa. In recent years though I decided to diversify a bit getting my first Land Rover Defender, my first American car and even a tractor. I would like to say that without my long suffering and very supportive Wife I would not have any of these things.

This site is about the restorations I have carried out over the past 30 odd years. I love a challenge and I will have a go at most things but I have to point out I am by no means a professional. What I am is a very lucky and blessed man, why, simply because I was taught bodywork and mechanical work by 2 men who have forgotten more than I will ever know and without they're help and training plus vast patience I would not be able to do what I do or have enjoyed owning the cars I have.

I hope you get some enjoyment from my site and you never know, you just might pick up something useful from some small part of it. The stuff on this page is what I currently own but all the restorations are at the top of this page. I also have the minor ones hosted on

If you have the time and would like to leave a message there is guestbook at the bottom of this page along with a form if you would like to contact me about anything on the site.



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Love the new website, looks good Stuart.

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